you know KL twin towers ?
it's good that folks from the band Mogwai will be playing a show in a place nearer to that landmark towers of KL. it's here.
Nobody at the office. I do my magazine work. But I marked the date, 21st january. When I've been told that Mogwai will make a date here, I say I'm going , without a doubt (since I missed Explosions early last year). The good thing is,... it's element of everything in Mogwai music, when it's only 'hope' in Explosions'.
Bad thing happen. Undevoted girlfriend ask for half grand, when newly wed sister ask for one third for her wedding book. Leave me flat broken. I said to Mel, "I'm going. I'll do my magic trick." There's no magic trick, instead I have to do my steady diet on ramen for, say nearly 15 days.... nope, make it 5. But karma is funny thing when i recieved a call from my editor:
"Do you wanna go for Mogwai?"
"I AM going for Mogwai! I will write a story about them even without you asking."
"Good. You are going to have an interview with them at 3:45pm, before their evening show. 15 minutes. Be there."
Haha.. Of course,... Nobody at the office. They all surrender and executed with magazine job. Be it "Premier music magazine" (read: Rolling Stone).
I guess it's all going to be me in the future. When it comes to think i'm not even favour of.
* Mood: Seasonal
* Listening to: "I'm Jim Morrison I'm Dead" - Mogwai
* Reading: Dominic Hailstone
* Watching: Mogwai internet videos
* Playing: electronica keyboard atmospheric effect
* Eating: nasi lauk ikan goreng
* Drinking: teh o ais + air kosong