
Thursday, December 11, 2008

10 strong years of computer, 2 years of internet pregnancy, few years of application abortion

and this is anniversary...

Myspace 817 (banyak spammer, on off je...)
Facebook 112 (not bad la untuk strategi malas yang tak sampai setahun...)
Friendster 205 ( yang hidup segan, mati tak nak.... mungkin sebab kawan2 yang Mache dulu)
Deviantart 63 (yang tu, orang tengok kita..... yang kita tengok orang tak kira, tak aci...)
Livejournal 15[+yang bersifat tak mutual 2, jadi 17 la]
anything else i forgot?

do you know my window to the world is computer?
call it part my life,... ok la, half of me.
untuk orang yang buta IT maybe can consider it dead.
loneliness is worse.
but Mel, friends are nowhere, family are farther.
me is entertainment for me, me and me.
computer and nintendo 8 bit is working life on duracell. the matrix.
and i see you there. how dare i to look at you elsewhere.
though i did scroll apartmental catalog recently homelessly.
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