
Sunday, August 26, 2007

novel based

yesterday kan, dear,... something hit me. novel based movie & terry gilliam (kat Borders). ingat nak cari suma filem Terry Gilliam. Fear & Loathing (based on Hunter S Thompson novel), Brazil, 12 Monkeys, Brothers Grimm (yes, we stumble upon the book kat Kinokuninya), even.... Tideland.
and Peter Selllers playing Dr Strangelove (lagu DM),... Kubrick.

kalau awak tak paham apa saya kata,... cuba tengok filem "Must love Dogs",.... bila Diane Lane refer John Cusack as " tak paham apa pun yang dia kata,... but i like him anyway."

that way.

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil! that's from a book too!

saya macam nak tau apa benda belakang DVD V For Vendetta tu. macam snippet graphic novel dia je...

Friday, August 10, 2007

ben procter

semalam , got a package from United International Pictures.
Transformers limited t shirt. movie tix.
4th place in Transformers drawing contest.
not bad untuk orang yang tak pernah menang art contest nearly a decade.
this is for Ben Procter and his Nokia Bot, inspirasi saya ketika menghasilkan Montor (after monitor), that was based on oldskool Game Boy. yeah it can transform into Game Boy, oh joy!

i'll post a picture soon, here or maybe in LiveJournal. (as i said i want here to be plain text.)

on my previous post ,... somebody ask me what i'm trying to prove on the post about cinema. here's an answer:

nah, just rambling..

masa tulis tu, relate dengan cinema experience aku kat terengganu, so i just point it out. for fun sake.

if i wasnt really answering the topic, saya cuba mengenang kembali , all good cinema years in terengganu.

korang takleh salahkan sesiapa pun, terengganu bukan lubuk pelabur dalam soal entertainment. membeli reel wayang esp. imported costs alot. apa lagi membina semula panggung. you gotta deal with reasonable ticket price, yan berbaloi dengan kedatangan audience. in 1994, harga dia RM3.50, it's not gonna be the same. bising dulu bila ada kedai letak harga milo ping macam kena bedil.

memberi entertainment di terengganu, you gotta deal too with pemikir radikal dan polis moral.

a year ago, badan kerajaan gila meletakkan seseorang yang baru menang realiti show sebagai pemimpin belia, bukan local new breed of ben pocter. kelakar.

in the end, anda melihat terengganu sebagai lokasi summer vacation, bila orang luar nak pergi ke redang, sedang saya sendiri pun tak ke pulau. saya kena tolong ayahanda bonda saya di bangsal.

(but recently, they said, there will be 3 cinema in a shopping mall in KT,.... late..)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

waste me a.k.a would you buy a virgin holding a cable tv remote control?

wasted talent. even you dont believe in talent as well i. how about the gift?
the curse you said.

perfect catch. a lot like love. dream for an insomniac. fever pitch. a long way down.

"Unless it's mad, passionate, extraordinary love, it's a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in life and love shouldn't be one of them." ~ Frankie "See. We could be best friends, but we'd still have lust in our eyes." ~Frankie "I'm going to circumnavigate his soul until he's anchored on all sides by my love." ~Frankie

Friday, August 03, 2007

Cinema Paradiso di Terengganu (with questioanire)

(to our Transformers movie experience, July 16th, Monday...)

what if terengganu ada cinema (balik. yes, we did have before. 2, precisely.)

...but the thing is, kalau panggung wayang ada di kuala terengganu, aku tak berjalan keluar terengganu.
but i think it's good terengganu takder panggung. kalau tak sampai ke cerah lah saya jadi slacker, menulis tentang 'kelewatan 3 bulan' menerima pakej summer blockbuster di group macam friendster ni atau blog, atau magazine. sebab biasanya 3 bulan diambil untuk official dvd. (saya masih insan dengan popcorn di couch rumah sendiri,.... tapi geram jugak la dengar cerita cinema experience orang lain...)
kekurangan buat kita seek for something, it make us move. ia buat kita lupa tentang kampung sendiri for a week. it make us elsewhere in the universe. i mean, c'mon, baru berapa hari lepas aku ambik sample comic DC/Vertigo kat Kinokuniya, share it with devoted girlfriend. saya boleh berlari di shopping mall dengan ritual cookie-testing. dekat K Terengganu? payah sikit la. tapi takper , bulan puasa saya boleh balik kampung. saya boleh melihat cermin transparent ketika seorang Canadian bertanya bertubi-tubi di conference luar Terengganu.
movie is not about you sit in a room think about what you can make in the box, w/o moving out, ie: life. but it's about move out , get a life.
so, tell me. bila masa anda dapat pengalaman Akira Kurosawa di Kuala Terengganu. ah, i know what u want to say, i could make it.
make it at Machang.

REX cinema photo from :
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